instant gratification
The pursuit of instant gratification can be observed in many aspects of life; and this includes dentistry. Instant gratification can be very appealing, which makes it easy to sell, but extremely difficult to achieve. Instant gratification is rarely, if ever, a long term proposition.
-Achieving complex restorative dentistry in one day.
-Creating a smile and changing your life, without preparing your teeth.
-Having a computer make your teeth while you wait.
These are only three examples of new faster dentistry. High quality, long-lasting dentistry takes a tremendous amount of education, talent, and care. Your teeth are part of a complex chewing system which includes your soft tissue (gums), bones, nerves, ligaments, and muscles. In addition to the complex chewing system, there is also a strong esthetic component to your teeth. Not only do your teeth have to function correctly, but their appearance says a lot about you. Mastering the functional and esthetic components of this complex system is very involved, as well as necessary, to achieve long-lasting results.
I work with dentists throughout the US and Canada. They all have the desire and ability to master the complex aspects of dentistry. We all have a common goal of doing it right the first time. Working quickly is definitely an important factor, but it cannot come at the expense of doing it properly.